Control on Grapefruit
- Nordox at 33o/o of the full rate (0.66 lb/acre) was mixed with solt1ble Magna-Bon (100 ppm rate) and co1npared with Nordox at the full rate (1.33 lb/acre) and at a reduced rate ( I . 0 lb/ acre)
- Nordox at the full rate (1.33 lb/acre) was applied in the first 5 applications and Magna-Bon (100 pp1n rate; Nordox 1.33/lbA 5APPS-MB 5-APPS) in the re1naining 5 applications and co1npared with IO apps of Nordox the ft1ll rate ( 1.33 lb/acre)
- Fruit disease control for the mixh1re of Nordox with Magna-Bon 01· the progi·a111
Control on Hamilton Oranges
- Kocide at 33% oftl1e full rate (1.0 lb/acre) was. mixed with soluble Magna-Bon (100 pp1n 1·ate; 3 7 oz.) and co1npared with Koci de at the full rate (3.0 lb/acre) and at a reduced 1·ate (2.5 lb/acre)
- Redt1ction of frt1it drop f 01· the 1nixture of Kocide plt1s Magna-Bon was comparable to the full rate of Koci de at half the metallic rate
- The Kocide plus Magna-Bon mixture achieved canker control with 50% of the applied metallic Cu