Magna-Bon, a family-owned-and-operated company that produces a wide range of exceptional agricultural products, recently partnered with Custom Ag Formulators, enabling the company to have more boots on the ground. “We utilize their sales representatives where we can focus on providing an exceptional OMRI-Listed copper sulfate pentahydrate to the industry,” said Chad Gillyard, managing director of […]
“I Believe in Magna-Bon” NC Blueberry Testimonial
A large North Carolina blueberry grower/packer has used Magna-Bon for several years after meeting the team at The Southeast Regional Fruit & Vegetable Conference in Savannah and The North Carolina Blueberry Council in Fayetteville. “I believe in Magna-Bon” claims grower. “It has helped us fight gray mold, etc. in the packing house. We spray several […]
Magna-Bon Succeeds by Serving Growers
For the past 20 years, Magna-Bon Agricultural Control Solutions has been supporting growers with a line of products that help control algae and bacteria through applications that are alternatives to toxic chemicals. These include Magna-Bon’s staple product, Magna-Bon CS 2005, which the company describes as “a copper sulphate pentahydrate that is an environmentally friendly bactericide […]
CS 2005 Shows Favorable Results in Combating Powdery Mildew
Control of Grape Powdery Mildew with Synthetic, Biological, and Organic Fungicides: 2021 Field Trials Akif Eskalen – UC Davis This trial was conducted at the University of California, Davis Plant Pathology Fieldhouse Facility from April to July 2021. Treatments were arranged in a completely randomized block design, and spraying concluded on July 9, based on […]
Evaluation of Bactericide Fire Blight Trials with Cornell University
Evaluation of Bactericide Programs for the Management of Fire Blight on ‘Idared’ Apples in New York, 2021. A research trial was conducted at Cornell AgriTech in Geneva, NY to evaluate the effectiveness of bactericide programs for the management of blossom blight and shoot blight on apple. The orchard site is a planting of 18-yr-old ‘Idared’ […]
CS 2005 Helped Control Canker & Greening at Uncle Matt’s when paired with KeyPlex
Magna-Bon CS 2005 helped control citrus canker and citrus greening in organic orange trees when paired with a micronutrient Two environmentally friendly and sustainable products have emerged to help citrus growers fight two of the industry’s most threatening diseases, particularly in oranges, when used together in the same spray tank. The two products – Magna-Bon […]
Growing Organic Produce Profitably Requires a New Tack
It’s critical for growers to understand that organic farming requires a mindset that differs from conventional farming. Suppliers of organic products say the sooner growers realize that, the better. “Organics will not perform exactly like traditional pesticides and conventional fertilizers,” Ted Koellmann, Far West Regional Sales Manager, Hello Nature USA, Inc., says. “Often, it will take […]
Research Trials Tackle Bacterial Blast in Cherries!
Fire Blight Management in a Changing Climate & Future Research
Research by Dr. Kerik Cox regarding Fire Blight can be found on Slides 18 – 41 on the slideshow below. Pay special attention to Slides 39 – 40 as you will see Magna-Bon CS 2005 has confirmed control on Fire Blight! An Information Sheet overview can be found here: Dr. Kerik Cox Research Trials Information […]
Tackle Phomopsis Twig Blight with CS 2005!
After participating at The Blueberry Growers Association – Virtual Spring Field Day Trials, which during this time of the year Phomopsis twig blight is a hot topic! Did you know CS 2005 is labeled for Anthracnose, Bacterial Canker, Fruit Rot, Phomopsis Twig Blight and showcasing great results with Algal Stem Blotch in blueberries? Phomopsis twig […]