Bacterial Spot Control in Almonds with Magna-Bon CS 2005

Bacterial spot, caused by Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni, poses a significant threat to almond production, leading to premature defoliation, reduced yields, and lower nut quality. Effective disease management is essential for maintaining healthy orchards and maximizing profitability.

Proven Efficacy of Magna-Bon CS 2005

A recent study by Dr. Jim Adaskaveg of UC – Davis evaluated the effectiveness of Magna-Bon CS 2005, a copper sulfate pentahydrate solution, in controlling bacterial spot in almonds. The results demonstrated that CS 2005 significantly reduced disease incidence while promoting overall tree health.

Key findings from the study include:
Reduced Disease SeverityCS 2005 provided 95% control of bacterial spot, significantly reducing symptoms and promoting vigorous foliage health.
Enhanced Crop Protection – Consistent applications provided long-lasting protection throughout the growing season.
Copper Efficiency – The advanced formulation delivers disease control with lower copper usage compared to traditional treatments, supporting sustainable farming practices.

Of the results on the trials, CS 2005 64 FLOZ mixed with Manzate 75DF 6 LB, had a 95% success rate combating Bacterial Spot!

The full spray program:

Full bloom 2/18: 64 floz of CS 2005+ 6 lb Manzate 75DF
Petal fall 3/5: 27 floz of CS 2005 + 4 lb Manzate 75DF
2 Weeks APF 3/20: 27 floz of CS 2005+ 4 lb Manzate 75DF
4 Weeks APF 4/3:  27 floz of CS 2005+ 4 lb Manzate 75DF

Click here to see the Information Sheet on Bacterial Spot on Almonds!