Combating Anthracnose from Years of Severe Infection…. (Grower Testimonial)
We had the opportunity to speak with an apple grower who has farms in California and Washington. For years, they had issues with anthracnose in apple blocks until we introduced them Magna-Bon CS 2005!
Here is Eric’s testimonial…
I just double checked the experimental orchard here in WA state. ( Arrived on 4/20/21). We have zero anthracnose infections on plantings of apple and quince of any age from second leaf to eight years. This was a heavily anthracnose -infected old orchard that was top-worked as well as replanted. The top-worked trees still show heavy scarring from years of severe anthracnose but no new infections that I could find on careful scouting. They have continued to heal -over and compartmentalize the old tissue damage. We used CS 2005 at the label rate in the fall on this orchard, before heavy rains. This replaced Kocide DF 3000 which had been used in the previous four years.